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How To Do SEO For Fencing Companies

First, let’s look at why SEO is so important to your fencing business. Did you know that a Pew Research survey found that 90 percent of American adults use an Internet search engine to find information on local businesses? Google is the most widely-used search engine, and ranking high in Google searches can translate into more visits to your website. More website visits mean more business.

It’s important to keep in mind that your fencing company is competing on a local scale. Your potential customers are not looking at fencing companies across the state, across the country or across the world as they might search for some other products.

Focusing your SEO on a local scale helps target your efforts, and you can make an impact on your market base in less time. Plenty of marketing companies can help you improve your SEO, but there are several basic – and relatively easy – steps you can take on your own


1. Keywords

Think like your potential customer. If you were looking for a fencing company in your area, what words and phrases would you type into the search bar? Be sure to consider terms that specifically relate to the products you offer. Here are a few ideas: “vinyl fencing,” “security fence,” “privacy fence,” “home fencing” or “fence repair.”

When you have a good list, it’s time to try them out on a keyword planning tool, such as Google Keyword Planner. Keyword planners allow you to test your keywords to see how much traffic they generate. These planners also provide additional keyword ideas you might not have considered.


2. Local emphasis

When you add your city or community name to your keywords, you can better target your local customer. Try “vinyl fence Springfield,” for example. Then make sure those words appear on your website homepage and focus your service pages around those important words and phrases.


3. Future customers

Some fence customers are buying a home or property and are seeing what they can purchase within their budget. They may not be ready to buy a fence right away, but you want to reach them nonetheless for their future business. “Fencing prices” or “new fence” might be keywords to attract this type of customer. Your blogs and FAQ pages should include these words and links to this information.


4. Website optimization

Optimization is a big word for a simple concept of getting your business name out there by driving people to your Internet content. Focus on building your best keywords into your homepage and service pages first. Then, work them into your other pages, such as your blog.

On your homepage, aim for lively, useful copy that offers concise background information on your company and describes your services. Embed your primary keywords naturally into this copy.

Create a separate page for each service you provide (such as fence installation, design and repair), connecting each page with a relevant keyword.


5. Google My Business page

This site appears in the “map” section of Google listings for businesses in your area. It increases your online presence and introduces your fencing business to new customers. It can also boost your rankings in a Google search. Here are the steps to take to make this page work for your business:

Claim your page by completing a short verification process.

Make sure your business name, address and phone number are accurate. (It’s a good idea to use a local phone number.) Include your business hours.

Describe your fencing products and services in a 100- to 200-word overview that concludes with a call to action such as “Call today for a free estimate!”

Post a few photos of your fences and/or your employees installing a fence. Avoid generic or stock images. Your photos should be sharp, sized at 10KB and 5MB and have at least 720px x 720px resolution. You want quality photos.


6. Find and build citations and links

Gather citations and links to your business from Internet directories, local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and fencing industry groups. Make sure the information is accurate and consistent in these listings.

Build relationships with companies that offer services that complement your fencing company’s products and services. Perhaps a local landscaper or contractor will agree to trade website links with your company.


7. Build reviews

Ask your satisfied customers to review your company. Reviews on your website that are then linked to your Google My Business profile will boost your Google rankings.


8. Check results

Track your SEO results over time. You can use the Google Search Console or other online tools to monitor your web traffic and to determine what is working.

Google Analytics can track conversions. For your fencing company a conversion is someone calling or clicking to schedule an estimate.

Launching a local SEO plan of action can mean more business for your fencing company. Don’t rely solely on media advertising and word-of-mouth to get the local business you want.


Would you like more FREE help on maximizing your SEO?

Our in-house marketing expert at National Vinyl Products has created a detailed mini course on SEO. This course is free and includes an audio tutorial on improving your SEO. Contact your Territory Account Representative or email us at

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