Are you about ready to introduce a new fencing product? Did you just hire a new manager? Have you expanded your business? Are you moving? You are newsworthy!
You already know that getting the word out to the public could increase sales. The trouble is that your slim advertising budget is already tapped out. Don’t worry— there is a solution: free publicity.
Every fencing business, no matter how big or how small, can generate free publicity. While purchased ads on traditional media, such as print, television and radio, still have clout, there are a variety of ways you can boost your image without spending any cash.
Here are 10 ideas for getting free publicity for your fencing company.
1. Target specific publications and certain editors.
A wide net is not always the best choice when to comes to free publicity. It is more important to focus on who will be interested in your news. Most of the time that will not be major news outlets. However, you can reach potential customers through the business news column of your local newspaper. A local business journal or website is another good option.
2. Focus on what is newsworthy.
Write concise information that targets your audience. This is not the time to share your whole story. Just grab your audience’s interest with what is most relevant to them. Start with an eye-catching headline and then write a paragraph that shares the most important information. You can add other less important facts in subsequent paragraphs.
3. Offer workshops.
Many businesses are able to generate goodwill and free publicity by offering complimentary programs or seminars to the public. Appeal to the do-it-yourself crowd by giving fence installation or fence cleaning demonstrations. Or donate the use of your facility for a landscaping or decorating seminar for homeowners. Keep in mind that people coming for the event will learn about your business just by being there.
4. Use the news to get attention.
When you tie in what you do with current events, the result is free advertising. For example, you could promote fencing (and your company) with local real estate statistics on home values. Are there new crime reports for your community? How about offering information about how fencing increases home security?
5. Reach out by helping out.
You can garner goodwill and generate some free publicity at the same time by assisting charitable organizations. What about donating some fencing to a Habitat for Humanity project? Does a local school need fencing? Sponsoring youth sports teams is another way to gain notice. What other ways can your company serve your community? Community service is a win-win situation.
6. Go for the glory.
You can get free publicity by sharing news about an award or an honor that you, your staff or your company received. Look for industry-wide or local competitions to enter through your trade association. Many are free to enter and a win can put your company in the spotlight.
7. Build connections through social media.
Use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social media to toot your horn. A quirky photo or a targeted contest can get people talking about your company at no cost to you. What about a fence decorating contest that is themed for Halloween or Christmas? Encourage photos.
8. Use HARO (Help a Reporter Out).
Many reporters use HARO to get reliable sources for their articles. Be registering with HARO, journalists will contact you when they have questions about the fencing industry. HARO distributes some 50,000 journalist questions each year and helps writers find sources with a quick and straight-forward process. It’s an easy— and free— way to get some publicity. Visit www.helpareporter.com.
9. Post videos on YouTube.
Posting creative and interesting YouTube videos can be one of the most effective ways to get your message out to the public. How-to videos are especially powerful. You also can provide links to the videos on your fencing company website and social media pages.
10. Write a blog and guest post on other blogs.
As a blogger, you can establish yourself as a leading source for your industry and generate free publicity for your company at the same time.
New to blogging? Begin by guest posting on another blog. That way, you will have access to an already established readership and you can post a link to your company website and social media.
The phrase “There’s no such thing as bad publicity” is most frequently attributed to P.T. Barnum, the American circus owner. Known for his unabashed self-promotion, Barnum enjoyed being in the public eye and thought it was always good for business.
Today’s consumers are savvy, however, and can be turned away by transparent grandstanding.
Therefore, consider the above tips to generate free advertising that is good publicity—the kind that will hopefully lead to increased traffic and sales for your fencing company.