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How To Improve Your Logo

Your logo is the face of your business. It is the first impression customers have of your company.

If you are looking to breathe some fresh life into your fencing company, it may be time to refresh or create a new logo. Whether it is your first logo or your fifteenth, here are some tips for making it one your customers associate with a quality fencing company they will turn to again and again.

1. Keep it clean and straightforward.

The best logos are simple and recognizable. Think of the Nike swoosh or Apple’s apple. A successful logo is uncomplicated and easy to understand. It doesn’t need a lot of colors and symbols to convey meaning.


2. Make sure it matches your company name.

A logo may or may not contain your company name, but, in either case, the two should complement each other. H&R Block’s logo is a good example. The simple block shape signifies the name of the company, and the bold green color suggests money.


3. Tie it to your slogan or tagline.

If you have a slogan, make sure it and your logo are communicating the same message. A good example is the logo-tagline combo of State Farm Insurance. The logo features a handshake, and the tagline echoes that message with the words “Like a Good Neighbor, State Farm is There.”


4. Coordinate it with your brand.

A good logo reflects your overall image in words and art. If you want to convey quality, the logo design needs to demonstrate that commitment of quality. This is not the time to use a family member’s hasty drawing. Hire a professional graphic artist to design your logo.


5. Keep it relevant.

There is a reason most fencing companies have fences in their logos. When you see an image of a fence on a letterhead or the side of a truck, you understand the purpose of that business. Although your design can be distinctive, this is not the time to be too abstract.


6. Make it memorable.

The three-pointed silver star has adorned Mercedes-Benz automobile grills and the company’s communications for more than a century. Why has it remained the same when other carmakers have changed their images? It is simple, elegant and memorable. It suggests quality in a way that a more complicated image could not.


7. It looks good in black and white.

Resist the urge to use too many colors in your logo. Yes, color is important, but there are times when your logo will need to stand alone in black and white. If your design uses too many shades, screens or drop shadows, it could appear washed out or muddy when printed in only black ink.


8. Make sure it is easy to read.

If your logo includes words, be sure to use a reader-friendly typeface. A good example is the Delta Airlines logo. In addition to its red and blue triangular shaped design, the logo includes the name of the company in clear, bold type. The FedEx logo has a “hidden” arrow.


9. Make it readable when it is small.

Your logo will be used in many sizes — some quite large (such as on your business truck) and some quite small (such as your business card). Therefore, you need to choose a design that is readable in any size.


10. Ask: Is my logo original?

A good logo communicates essential information about your brand. What is your unique logo? The Aflac brand shares a bit of whimsy with the face of the Aflac duck built right into its logo. The Starbucks logo offers a mermaid.


11. Reduce the number of colors.

There can be too much of a good thing when it comes to color. Unless you are copying the NBC peacock logo, the general rule of thumb is that you should not use more than three colors in your business logo. Keep in mind that this image must work well in a variety of platforms, including print and online media.


12. Keep it timeless.

A good logo communicates essential information about your brand. What is your unique logo? The Aflac brand shares a bit of whimsy with the face of the Aflac duck built right into its logo. The Starbucks logo offers a mermaid.


13. Ask your customers.

If you are about to launch a new logo or a newly-revised logo, why not ask your customers’ opinions? Let a misstep from Arby’s serve as a lesson.

In 2012, when Arby’s tried to overhaul their brand — and their logo — from an old-time Western feel to be more modern and glitzier, loyal customers revolted. The company listened to the objections and changed the logo back to more closely resemble the folksier image it had used for years.

Think of your logo as an integral part of your overall marketing strategy. Ask yourself how your logo helps your company stand out from other fencing companies.

Is it time for a fresh look for your fencing company? Your company logo is a great place to begin!


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